Is veganism more sustainable? Many environmentalists are not vegan but being vegan is one of the best things you can do to cut down your carbon footprint and, in our opinion, it is the most important one. We believe that a 100% vegan diet is not for everyone and you can get quite far without needing to commit to the label. The amount of waste that is acquired to produce a block of cheese or a steak is enormous, through its production and the resources needed to feed livestock that will ultimately feed you.
In a world where 800 million people do not have enough food, it is important to not let resources go to waste. A plant-based diet requires one third of the amount of land used for a meat and dairy diet.
Therefore, being vegan is one of the most sustainable lifestyles you can lead, allowing resources and land to be used by many more hungry mouths.

Further, avocados and quinoa will not destroy the planet like meat and dairy production will – this is an important distinction to make! And if you prefer to not eat those products that have a bigger impact on the environment, such as bananas and almonds – you don’t need to in order to be vegan.

For more information visit: https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/why-tofu-consumption-is-not-responsible-for-soy-related-deforestation/
Swaps you didn’t think of
We are not here to tell you to buy a metal straw or to get a bamboo toothbrush as we hope you are already doing this. We want to highlight some other ways to increase your environmental credibility that are not as mainstream.
How To Grow Your Own Food
Grow & Make Your Own
Did you know growing small amounts of your own food is incredibly easy and doesn’t take much skill or time at all? Unfortunately, we don’t have a garden or a balcony, or even any experience in gardening so these tips are fool proof, trust us!
All we have are some windowsills. Herbs and spices grow super easily, and you can buy them quite cheaply in any grocery shop. Spring onions and celery grow on their own just in water (but you will have to pot them eventually). Try looking into planting tomatoes, an easy to grow and very productive plant, or berries if you have a garden. These take little time to become productive and are one of the first plants seen in home gardens for this reason.
If plants aren’t your thing you can still make your own food by fermenting (our favourites are kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut) or sprouting. Alfalfa sprouts are the lazy version of growing greens and fermenting is just a waiting game. Making nut milks, veg stock, bread and sauces can also majorly cut down on waste and allow you to become even more sustainable!
If you’re feeling extra frugal and adventurous why not take advantage of the food that is growing all around you? You may have not even noticed it, but we assure you it is there. Foraging for food is easy when you find a good spot! Look for apple trees, black berry bushes (once you see one you’ll find them all around!), wild garlic and mushrooms on your next walk or look it up online.
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